Fullstack Developer

Ayman Makhoukhi

Software Engineer thirsty for learning more about Software and Service Architectures,
and becoming a business owner in the industry in forthcoming years.

Birthday: 30 September 2000

Website: www.aymanmakhoukhi.me

Phone: +36 20 485 0677

Degree: Master

Mail: ayman.makhoukhi@gmail.com

Linkedin: Ayman Makhoukhi

Hire Me

What I Do


Fullstack Web Development

I build fullstack responsive web application from scratch where I use the following technologies : HTML5, XML, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, JQuery, Vue/Vuetify/Vite, PHP/Laravel, Rest APIs, Ajax, Json, Webpack, Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, Firebase, Shopify Liquid.

Web Testing

I use open source softwares and browser automation tools that automate web browser interactions, created for testing purposes. for that matter I use : Robot Framework, Selenium and Cypress.


I use DevOps best practices to effictively,rapidly and reliably deploy and deliver applications and services at high velocity for the customers. I automate manual tasks to manage complex system architectures. I use these DevOps automation tools for that matter : Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Helm, Jenkins, Gitlab CI/CD.

Databases Administration

I manage and maintain databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Firebase by storing and organizing data. I also include installation, configuration, database design, migration, security, troubleshooting.

System Architecture Design

I build the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of a system. For that matter I use general-purpose modeling methodology in the field of information systems development such as UML.

UI/UX Design

I design user interfaces where I convey the look and the feel of a product while focusing on all aspects of a product's development, including design, usability and branding which makes the UI easy to use, efficient and enjoyable. I use Adobe XD and Figma as UI/UX prototyping tools

BI & Data Analytics

I use data science, data visualization and machine learning to create explatory data analysis and future predictions, as well as BI to help people make decisions based on past data. I use the following technologies : R, RStudio, Python, Jupyter Notebook, Power BI, Excel, IBM Watson Studio.



Hi, My name is Ayman Makhoukhi. Software Engineer thirsty for learning more about Software and Service Architectures,
and becoming a business owner in the industry in forthcoming years.

Hire Me

Budapest, Hungary




+36 20 380 9712